
During this pandemic, Eric has spent countless hours reaching out to over 4,000 seniors in the community to help provide meal deliveries, connect them with vital health services, and provide an emotional anchor for them. Our parents and grandparents worked all their lives and made this community what it is, and they deserve to live in comfort and security during their later years. Safe streets, improved accessibility, affordable housing, and sufficient community services are the least we should do for our seniors. As our Councilmember, Eric will always keep seniors at the top of his priority list:

  • Protecting the Ability to Age in Place: There’s no better place for a senior to be than their own home, so Eric will support in-home services to allow them to age in place with comfort and dignity.
  • Supporting Robust Senior Centers: Connecting with neighbors is good for the mind, the body, and the community.  Our senior centers need our strong support to keep providing the high quality services seniors deserve. Especially during the pandemic, they have been playing a vital role in providing meal delivery and emotional support to our seniors.
  • Improving Transit Access and Travel: A crack in the sidewalk may seem like a minor annoyance to some, but to a senior with limited mobility, it’s a hazard that can lead to a fall, hospitalization, or worse. We need to invest in street maintenance, keep improving Access-a-Ride, and invest in better transit so no one ever has to wait 45 minutes or more for a bus. See Eric’s letter to the MTA opposing cuts to Express Bus Service.
  • Expanding Access to Technology: While social isolation was a concern even before the pandemic, as our seniors are forced to quarantine, we must ensure they are connected to their friends and services. Technology access is vital for our seniors so they can continue to stay connected and engaged.